Commissione di Facoltà per le Attività Scientifiche e Culturali

Stefano Bennati (Vice-Presidente) - Umberto Mengali (Presidente)


Nell'ambito delle iniziative culturali promosse dalla Commissione per le Attività Scientifiche e Culturali della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Pisa,

d'intesa con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale e con Euroavia (European Association of Aerospace Student),

mercoledì 4 giugno alle ore 15:30


Vice Presidente della divisione "Future Projects and Technologies" di Airbus SAS (Toulouse),

terrà una conferenza dal titolo:

"AIRBUS 380: towards a new future for air transport"

Abstract. The aeronautical industry is one of the very important global industries, which is still continously growing at a very high growth rate. The growth in air transport is estimated to continue in the order of 4 – 5% annually and is clearly related to the growth in GDP (Growth Development Product), but with an amplification factor of 2! The air transport system is facing also very high challenges and risks, as it is seen by a majority of people as a very energy consuming and luxury transportation mode. In such a situation of global challenges and discussions, a new airliner, called A380, is starting its operation since the autumn of 2007. Its fuel consumption sets a new standard in air transport operation, which is directly related to a more environmentally friendly operation and this new flying vehicle will be seen in future more often at all major airports in the world.

The presentation will provide an overview about the long definition and development phase of this new concept, starting with market studies and requirements, conceptual technical considerations about the right size and dimensions, reflecting all technical considerations from aerodynamical design, the structural design concept, new system architecture including new safety standards, and all the potential in cabin design, which the new double deck configuraion was offering. Also the operational requirements from the airports and air traffic control had to be taken into consideration and were giving additional constraints during the search for an optimal design. The biggest civil transport aircraft, ever designed in the world, was giving extrem challenges to the engineering design team, the test pilots, and the certification authorities. In the meantime the aircraft has been successfully certified and has started its operation with airlines. The presentation is trying to provide an overview of all major challenges and developped solutions, which this demanding and essential aircraft programme has delivered from the basic concept till certification of the aircraft.

Referente dell'invito: Aldo Frediani ().

La conferenza sarà tenuta nell'Aula Pacinotti della Facoltà di Ingegneria.

Dieter Schmitt: una breve presentazione

Nato a Francoforte nel 1942, si è laureato in Ingegneria nel 1976 presso la Technical University Darmstadt. Dopo una ventennale carriera trascorsa nel mondo dell'industria aeronautica, dove viene nominato responsabile per lo sviluppo di tutti i nuovi progetti in Airbus, dal 1996 al 2002 è Professore Ordinario di "Aeronautical Engineering" presso la Technical University di Monaco. Dal 2002 è Vice Presidente della divisione "Future Projects and Technologies" di Airbus SAS (Toulouse), oltre che responsabile dei progetti di ricerca e sviluppo trasnazionali di Airbus tra cui AIRnet (Airbus International Research Network). È autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e di interventi a congressi nazionali ed internazionali.

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